What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation or low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and near-infrared (NIR) light to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing.

The therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits in various areas of health and wellness.

What to Look for in Quality Red Light Therapy Devices:

1. Wavelengths (frequency or bands):

Red Light: Falls within the spectrum of 600 nm to 750 nm. For optimal results the greater number of wavelengths a device has the greater therapeutic potential.

In at-home red light therapy devices, look for wavelengths between 630 nm and 660 nm.

Near-Infrared Light (NIR): This falls within the spectrum of 750 nm to 1200 nm. The NIR wavelengths found in the best at-home LED devices typically range between 820 nm and 880 nm.

We recommend LED devices that offer both red light and NIR wavelengths within their ideal spectrums, as research shows they work well together for better efficacy and therapeutic benefits. 

Blue Light: This falls within the spectrum of 400 nm to 495 nm. Look for a wavelength of 415 nm in an at-home LED devices (panels or masks) if you have acne concerns. 

2. Irradiance:

Power Density (Irradiance): This measures the amount of light power delivered per unit area, crucial for effective treatment. Our panel devices boast high irradiance, ensuring great penetration. Plus, with adjustable panels, treatment plans can be tailored accordingly.

(Rubi Lumi Super Radiant Pro Irradiance Test)

3. Treatment Time, Modes and Frequency:

Our LED devices offer customizable treatment times ranging from 1 to 60 minutes per session, with an average of 10-15 minutes per side.

We have multiple modes, depending on the device, including Elderly Mode, Fitness, Fat Burning, Muscle Recovery, Skin Care, Inflammation, and Sleep Optimization.

RUBI LUMI Beauty Pro also allows you to select Red and NIR mode, Blue Light mode, or a combination thereof.

Our flexible treatment protocol allows for tailored sessions to suit individual needs, ensuring personalized care and optimal results.  (**see each device for unique specifications). 

A built-in timer provides convenience for users.

4. Number of Lights:

The number of LED lights matters to some extent, as it can impact coverage and distribution of light across the skin. However, it’s not as critical as specific wavelengths and irradiance.

Some of our models feature LEDs with a dual chip design, boasting 5W (compared to 0.2W) and up to 3535 LEDs, depending on the model, with varying beam angles for enhanced efficacy.

5. Best Beam Angle:

25° to 35° Beam Angle:  Ideal for deep tissue penetration while covering a generous area of skin or tissue, making it perfect for red light therapy panels. Our panels with six or more wavelengths fall in this range for maximum penetration.

60° Beam Angle: Offers broader coverage but may sacrifice therapeutic depth.

90° Beam Angle: Too diffuse and may reduce effectiveness by spreading the light thinly.


6. Ideal Distance from Red Light Therapy Panel:

For LEDs with a 30° beam angle, a moderate distance of around 8 to 12 inches balances intensity and coverage.

With a 60° beam angle, being closer at 4 to 8 inches maximizes intensity without excessively diffusing the light.

For LEDs with a wide 90° beam angle, it's advisable to be as close as 4 inches for optimal effectiveness.

7. Red Light Therapy and EMF Emissions:
Red light therapy devices, much like other electronic devices, can emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs). However, the levels and potential implications of these emissions vary depending on the device's design and other factors.

EMF emissions are influenced by factors such as power consumption, shielding, component quality, and adherence to regulatory standards.

Our Rubi Lumi Branded panels are certified to emit minimal EMF, with levels as low as 0.0μT.

8. Low EMF Red Light Therapy Devices:
Many reputable brands offer low EMF red light therapy devices, with emissions close to zero.

At Rubi Lumi, we prioritize safety and compliance with stringent European and U.S. standards.

Our Rubi Lumi Branded panels boast 0.0μT EMF, certified by CE, RoHS, and FDA, reflecting our commitment to safety, environmental responsibility, and quality assurance.